
1. Publishing your family history.
Do you want your family history story presented in a book format with a family tree included?

bill whelan inside pages dublinIARC offers a professional “family history publishing” service. Using your family story we can produce a high quality book, either a coffee table format, A4 format or other alternatives – all with a family tree included. IARC also produce printed family trees in a variety of formats.

Prices start at €750 for a Family History book and the final price depends on the extent of images, photographs, additional historical context, editing & design that is required for your book. A price for the book will be agreed with the client following discussions on all of these design aspects.

To discuss your family history book requirements please email

2.  Creating your personal historical Timeline.

We can personalise the events in your ancestor’s life by superimposing their historical dates over those of important events happening in their county, with relevance to Ireland and the rest of the world.  This is our time-line pamphlet and would be available once the historical data is unearthed.  The social aspects surrounding a family will help to put into perspective how the family lived their life and it will educate future generations and let them better understand the background to your family.

For further information please email